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How To Install Buttonfacade Skins

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by primhomaro1982 2020. 3. 18. 21:15


I read on the Googles that there are issues with the interactions between these 3 addons and I'm curious if anyone knows for sure either if they don't work together at all or if there's a way to solve my problem. I use Bartender because of some custom paging options, which the ElvUI default wasn't able to do because of limited bar numbers. I wanted to use Masque because I am bored of the default bartender appearance, but when I enable skins, individual icons are just black. For example, the first slot on 2 of my hotbars is blank, regardless of what ability I put there.

Macro text and the keybind both show, just the ability icon is blank. I can try to put together a screenshot if needed.

Does anyone know a way to fix it? I've disable Masque for now since it's a consistent problems across various Masque skins.

F.A.Q. Why the name change?Let's face it, 'ButtonFacade' was long and ugly. 'Masque' is shorter, more descriptive and tons sexier. Will my stuff break?Absolutely. I suggest not throwing it against concrete walls and the like. As far as add-ons go, most should work; or at least not throw errors.

Some 'features' implemented by add-ons may not work as they used to until the authors get a chance to update them. Add-on X is outdated and doesn't work with Masque anymore.

How To Install Buttonfacade Skins Free

Can you fix it?No. If an author stopped development of an add-on, it's probably best that you find a replacement. I will not maintain special compatibility code for add-ons that aren't being maintained. Masque is installed but isn't showing up in Masque's options. What's wrong?Since ButtonFacade was renamed to Masque, I had to include a compatibility add-on to ensure that Masque was loaded correctly.

This add-on is called 'ButtonFacade' and replaces the previous version. If, for some reason, this add-on is not installed correctly or is not enabled, Masque will not be able to skin any add-on that hasn't been updated and that is alphabetically before it in the add-on list. To resolve this issue:Curse Client: Make sure any previous version of ButtonFacade has been removed. Install Masque. The Curse Client will install the 'ButtonFacade' add-on correctly. Log into the game.

At the character select screen, click the 'Addons' button and make sure that both 'Masque' and 'ButtonFacade' are enabled.Manual Installation: Make sure any previous version of ButtonFacade has been removed. Extract the contents of the zip file to your add-ons directory exactly as they appear in the zip file. Log into the game. At the character select screen, click the 'Addons' button and make sure that both 'Masque' and 'ButtonFacade' are enabled.

I created a skin for Masque. Now what?Upload your skin to either WoW Interface or Curse and then post a link to the skin on. Quote from Masque is not working with Bartender or Raven. No matter what I do, the skin remains the same.Is there a previous version of ButtonFacade available?Masque and Raven work fine in my testing (I am the author of Raven) and it also seems to work with Bartender on my system. Which skin are you using?

I test with about ten skins currently. I will add your skin to my testing and let you know what I find out.Please make sure you scroll down in Raven's Defaults tab to near the end and verify that 'Color Normal Texture' is enabled and 'Color Border Texture' is disabled in the Masque/Button Facade section.

How To Install Buttonfacade Skins

This is the default setting now and I hope to phase out 'Color Border Texture' entirely once all skins are updated. 'Color Normal Texture' works well with all updated skins tested (although border color is sometimes hard or even impossible to see with really dark skins but there is not much can be done in those cases and there are usually lighter variants available). @ Skysfury and Satina: Make sure that you have the included 'ButtonFacade' add-on installed and enabled. This add-on forces Masque to load for add-ons still using ButtonFacade's API. If it's not installed or enabled, Masque will not work with those add-ons until they're updated.I use Bartender4 myself and know for a fact that it works.@ X-BuZZ: Haha.:p@ Tomber: Just remember that 'Border' texture is the indicator texture. If it doesn't look good on some skins, tell the skin author about it rather than forcing the color onto the 'Normal' texture.

HiThis does not work for me either with Bartender4. The last version of this that worked without problem had the following header:-Project.: MasqueFile.: Core.luaVersion.: 356Author.: Storm FXI still use this older version since every version after it has not worked with bartender4 for me and if anyone wants to download it until the current one is fixed, you can find it here:I tried prefixing the latest version with! Also as suggested by Stanzilla but that made no difference.:(. Im currently using a couple addons. I have been using bartender and a a couple weeks ago I saw someone using buttonfacade and it looked good so I downloaded it. Was relatively simple to figure out, I enjoyed being able to completely change my bars to make them look good. Recently I saw a message saying Buttonfacade is no longer in development and I should install masque.


Ignored it and kept going. For some reason I decided to download masque too which was really stupid because now everything is fucked over.I have no idea if im not using masque right or what, but so far, this is a piece of shit.

I cannot use the same skin I had used with Buttonfacade, I have no leeway in the masque options. Please someone explain this to me how to get back to what I had before. I cannot use the same skin I had used with Buttonfacade, I have no leeway in the masque options. Please someone explain this to me how to get back to what I had before.Listen, it's simple: ButtonFacade was renamed to Masque. Add-ons and skins that support ButtonFacade have a line in their ToC files that tells them to load ButtonFacade first. Since ButtonFacade was renamed, I've included a new ButtonFacade add-on that loads Masque first.

And since those add-ons tell ButtonFacade to load first, Masque gets loaded first. If the new ButtonFacade add-on isn't installed or disabled, any add-on that is alphabetically before Masque in the add-on list will NOT be skinnable.That said, there's only three reasons that Masque won't do what ButtonFacade did/does:1. You don't have the ButtonFacade add-on installed or enabled.2. You don't have the Masque add-on installed or enabled.3. Your installation went awry.If you're using the Curse Client, simply downloading Masque will install BOTH add-ons correctly. At the character select screen, you need to make sure that BOTH are enabled in the add-on options window.

Masque elvui skin

(Click the button at the bottom left.)If you're installing them manually, you need to extract the contents of the zip file to your add-ons folder, EXACTLY as it is. At the character select screen, you need to make sure that BOTH are enabled in the add-on options window. (Click the button at the bottom left.)As a last resort, you can manually download of ButtonFacade, but be forewarned that as add-ons and skins update to the new API, they will NOT be backward-compatible. See thats the thing, I tried to go back to buttonfacade, but masque is like a disease.Interesting analogy. If you're using Masque, you cannot revert to the old ButtonFacade.

You will have to install it manually, using the link I mentioned above.I appreciate feedback because it lets me know what issues people are having. However, I've no tolerance for anything other than valid tickets and civil discussions.If it really pisses you off so bad that you have to come into MY thread and run your mouth, you're more than welcome to stop using it altogether. I could care less either way. Bartender4 is working in that I can load my buttonfacade skins and configure them how I want them.

Bartender4 is not working with masque in that when I log off all my settings and skins are lost. Using a custom UI that looks retarded if some of my buttons aren't round. Solution: Loaded ButtonFacade release recommended above and don't plan to ever update to masque. Didn't see a buttonfacade or masque file in my WTF folder but since I deleted both addons and now my settings are saving properly I'm clearly looking in the wrong spot. I'll check back (or not) and see if skin authors need to implement something on their end or what the steezy is.

Had my fill of modifying LUA files lately with Proculas. Thanks for the addon. First of all, if you're using a 'custom UI', you need to wait until the author of that UI pack updates his package. Authors of those UIs sometimes edit some of the files of the included add-on(s), which is why most authors don't offer support for their add-ons when included in a UI pack.That said, if you've installed it correctly (removed the old ButtonFacade folder in your Interface/AddOns directory, installed both the Masque and ButtonFacade add-ons included in Masque's zip file and have them both enabled in the menu at the character select screen), then you should have no problems.If you're absolutely sure that it's installed correctly and it's still not saving, then I'm not sure what the deal is. All I can suggest is to disable everything but Masque (and its ButtonFacade) and Bartender and see if the issue persists.

Masque Classic

HiI still wasn't having any luck getting the latest versions of Masque working until a guildie suggested something to me just now to check and it worked!. When you uninstall Masque using the curse tool, you might still have buttonfacade folders from custom art styles left behind. The main (old) buttonfacade folder will be gone, but the art style buttonfacade folders may remain. Delete these. Then download and install the latest Masque from curse tool or wherever you get your addons from.

Masque Skins Classic

Then load Masque options and pick bartender, tellmewhen etc from addon list and assign a new art style. There you will see new Masque works now so go and download some new styles and stuff to try and match the old ones you had is your next challenge.:DI have no idea why old art folders would affect the new stuff working, but well there ya go!Thanks for the addon and your on-going work Storm.