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Virus Tro/iframe-dv

카테고리 없음

by primhomaro1982 2020. 3. 25. 18:33


Hi guys Just trying to put an iframe of a wordpress blog into another webpage. Works fine, except there is a scroll bar for up and down. I've googled about getting it to snap to the height of the child content but no methods seem to work. Is there an 'updated' method that works? Does any one know of the simplest way to make the height of the iframe automatically match the height of the page? Or is there an alternative to iframe to do what I'm wanting? Just so when content is added to the blog, the iframe automatically resizes to the new length:) Thanks guys.

  1. Center Iframe In Div
  2. Virus To/iframe-dvd

Thanks for that. Yea I had a play with some javascripts but none worked, as the child site was on a different domain from the parent site, is that correct as to why it wouldn't work?

So I need a work-around to automatically get the height of the child site which is located on a different domain to the parent site. Yea to get rid of scroll bars can just use scrolling='no' thanks mate Yes, It is correct you can not run a script from your site to be ran on another. Even if you could manage to do so its a way of hacking snip which could lead you into legal problems. My advise: create an iframe that uses 100% width and X% height. Then remove the scroll bar from the body and keep it on the iframe. This has worked for me. Here is an example: The goal in the above project was to provide a 'back to home' link on external links for my schools website.

This eventually failed because some sites have 'frame breakers' like google docs which refuse to load in a frame. Another issue was that i was unable to change the title of each page in the frame:( as you can tell form the link above the current title is 'teacher Webpages!' Even though it links to TSF. Hi again, ok yea I haven't worked with wordpress at all before. Only have very limited knowledge on it. What do you mean by I'll need to create a whole new page?

Do you mean a whole new wordpress page or a whole new webpage on the website?? Manually link it? Wordpress database won't detect what?

I work for a small NZ based web design company, and have a client wanting a blog set up. My boss always said it's better to online and find good forums and website to research and learn from as self-taught is the best-taught. If you head over to that's the test page, you can see I've got the wordpress blog to sit in there ok, but you'll also see what I mean by it looks a bit rude with the Home,About,Contact menu still there and the big grey divider. If we could get rid of those, and the 'Josh - Whitehead Fitness Blog' heading that would be AWESOME as then it would only show the posts and the little column on the right with whatever he wants to add there.

Center Iframe In Div

Thanks in advance:) If it's easter time in America at the moment too, I hope you're having a great one and not working too much like me!:D. I misunderstood your question so sorry for that. I was thinking you were working in wordpress and wanted a page where you embedded something else:P making CMS do some of these things can become a mess as im sure you learned from my last post:) - back on topic. I am not sure of an easy way to do what you want. I know it can be done by going to your theme and manually editing style css setting everything you don't want to not be visible. I would do some searching for themes that already have these disabled. I was able to find this: I am sure with some manipulating you can easily get it to work:).

Ok, I don't think that iframe for facebook would work thought would it? Didn't really get his video either. With the css styles, editing those would only edit how things look though right? So if I deleted the navigation styles and attributes wouldn't they still be visible but just look default?

To get rid of them fully don't I need to be able to alter a template page or index page or something? Do you know how I do this? Thanks again - and no worries about mis-understanding the Q mate, all good! Hi there The website is now live, and I have installed a fresh new wordpress on the same domain. I've set the menu and header and everything to hidden, and put an attribute in the wrapper tag to set the margin-top to -300px which makes the first post and everything sit up nice and high.

But, I'm having trouble getting it to work the way I want it. Which code do I need for the iframe to make it so the actual website page snaps to the size of the wordpress blog length? They're on same server/domain now so it's possible isn't it?


It's installed in /blog/. The way I've got it now, when there are 2+ posts it creates a scroll bar on the iframe which pushes everything to the left so it doesn't line up anymore with my websites header. How do I make the scroll bar come up for the webpage itself, not in the iframe? So it will push everything over equally? I'm using the coding you posted in post #5.

Thanks mate:) Try get back to me as soon as possible if you have time as I need it sorted in next few days:) Thanks.

. This post was mentioned on Twitter by Denis, Malware Domain List.

Malware Domain List said: RT @unmaskparasites blog Evolution of Hidden Iframes – tricks hackers use to hide malicious iframes. dave I just today ran into a infected mootools.js that had obfusticated javascript that wrote – what else – an iframe into the document. The destination exploited the browser and then it was off to the races. I’ve removed the link from your code since the script is really malicious. Dave, Malicious scripts that inject hidden iframes is a whole new story. Much longer story than this one.

Virus To/iframe-dvd

I’m sure in your research you also see many different ways of obfuscating iframes as well. Care to show some of those methods?. Thomas, These are probably all main tricks for hiding existing iframes. On the other hand, there are so many ways to inject hidden iframes on the fly using scripts, that one could write a book about it. ———- iFrameインジェクションの進化 Evolution of Hidden Iframes iframeを隠す手段としてよく使われているのが.